"Xenophon" 全部作品:
Xenophon 0 萬字 2019-02-09
經濟論(The Economist),2,404406513,現今流傳下來的古希臘最早的經濟專著,集中反映了色諾芬的經濟思想和對經濟活動的主張。,
Xenophon 38 萬字 2021-04-23
Xenophon 28 萬字 2021-04-23
Xenophon 0 萬字 2019-02-13
回憶蘇格拉底(The Memorabilia Recollections of Socrates),2,404406532,這是色諾芬為其師蘇格拉底寫的一部回憶錄。他在書中對蘇格拉底的學問、道德和石破天驚的口才做了相當逼真的描述。,
Xenophon 0 萬字 2019-02-01
The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates,2,404318639,The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates by Xenophon,
Xenophon 0 萬字 2019-02-09
居魯士的教育,政治、哲學理論著作。The Cyropaedia (or Cyropedia) is a partly fictional biography of Cyrus the Great, written in the early 4th century BC by the Athenian gentleman-soldier, and student of Socrates, Xeno