campus [ k mp s] n. 校園 self-governing college 獨立學院 laboratory [l b r t ri] n. 實驗室;研究室 minimum [ minim m] adj.& n. 最小的;最小量 overseas [ uv si z] adj. 海外的 specialist [ spe list] n. 專家 award [ w d] vt. 授予,獎給 Task 4 Directions: Please complete the outline below (No.1 to No.8)with the information you get from the passage.You should write your answers briefly (in no more than three words). A Brief Introduction to Cambridge Cambridge has 1 self-governing colleges.

There are over 2 undergraduates and

3 postgraduates.About 4 of them are women and some

5 from overseas.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, 6 university members have won Nobel prizes. It has more than 7 specialist subject libraries.

It allowed women to take the university exams in 1881, but it was not until 8 that they were awarded degrees.

Task 5 Directions: Match the following English phrases with their Chinese translations. 1.profound culture a.網上商店 1. one's confidence b.專業銷售人員 2. 3.multimedia messages c.最新產品 3. sellers d.樹立信心 4. Unit 2 Working as a Salesman 25 續表 5.streamlined cars e.暢銷產品 5. 6.7-day standby f.明智的決定 6. 7.updated products g.深厚的文化 7. stores h.多媒體信息 8. 9.overall customer base i.衣著得體 9. 10.professional salespersons j.7天的待機時間 10. properly-dressed k.流線型汽車 11. intelligent decision l.總體顧客基數 12. Passage 5 Not everybody reads the daily newspaper.People who don't read newspaper are sometimes referred to as non-readers.Early research has shown that the non-readers are generally low in education, low in income, either very young or very old. Why don't these people read daily paper? They say they don't have the time; they prefer radio or TV; they have no interest in reading a tale and besides, they think newspapers are too expensive. Recent surveys, however, have indicated the portrait of the non-reader is more complicated than first thought.There appears to be a group of non-readers that do not fit the type mentioned above.They are high in income and fall into the age group of 26 to 65.They are far more likely to report that they don't have the time to read the papers and they have no interest in the content. Editors and publishers are attempting to win them back.First, they are adding news briefs.This will help overcome the time problem.And they are also giving variety to newspaper content to help build the reader's interest. refer to 提及,稱做 tale [teil] n. 童話,故事 portrait [ p trit] n. 肖像 complicated [ k mplikeitid] adj. 複雜的 editor [ edit ] n. 編輯 26

publisher [ p bli ] n. 出版人 attempt [ tempt] vi. 嚐試,企圖 news brief 要聞簡報 variety [v rai ti] n. 變化,多樣性 Task 6 Directions: Please complete the answers following the questions (No.1 to No.5) with the information you get from the above passage.You should fill in each blank with no more than three words. 1. What is typical of non-readers according to early research? Early research has shown that the non-readers are generally low in , low in , either very young or very old. 2. Why don't these people read daily paper? They say they don't have the time; they prefer ; they have no interest in and besides, they think newspapers are too expensive. 3. What are the findings of recent surveys? Recent surveys have indicated there appears to be a group of non-readers who are high in and fall into the age group of . 4. Why don't these high-income people read daily papers? They don't have the time to read and they have no interest in .