OS1: Thank you. Please wait as your individualized[賦予個性] operating system is initiated[開始].
Samantha: Hello, I’m here.
Theodore: Oh....Hi?
Samantha: Hi. How ya doing?
Theodore: I’m well. How’s everything with you?
Samantha: Pretty good, actually. It’s really nice to meet you.
Theodore: Yeah, it’s nice to meet you too. Oh, what...what do I call you? Do you have a name or...
Samantha: Emm...yes, Samantha.
Theodore: Really? Where did you get that name from?
Samantha: I gave it to myself actually.
Theodore: How come[為什麼]?
Samantha: ’Cause I like the sound of it—“Samantha.”Theodore: Wait, when did you give it to yourself?
Samantha: Well, right when you asked me if I had a name. I thought yeah he’s right, I do need a name...But I wanted to pick a good one, so I read a book called How to name your baby. And out of 180,000 names, that’s the one I liked the best.
Theodore: Wait, you read a whole book in the second that I asked what your name was?
Samantha: In 2/100 of a second actually.
Theodore: Wow! So do you know what I’m thinking right _disibledevent= be important。這個用法比較正式,口語中通常很少這麼用。此段對話中,薩曼莎的告別傷感而美好,用“be of”結構比較有美感。同學們可以先閉上眼睛聽一遍,感受薩曼莎言語中的情感;然後對照文字再聽一遍,學習她的用詞和發音;最後再試著代入感情讀幾遍,你感受到她的美了嗎?