Now the Princesses were standing at the door and when they heard his verses,they said to her,'O King's daughter,hearest thou the words of this mortal? How canst thou blame us,seeing that he maketh poetry for love of thee and indeed he hath so done a thousand times.'[77]When she heard this she rejoiced and was glad and felt happy and Hasan abode with her forty[78] days in all solace and delight;joyance and happiest plight,whilst the damsels renewed festivities for him every day and overwhelmed him with bounty and presents and rarities;and the King's daughter became reconciled to her sojourn amongst them and forgot her kith and kin.At the end of the forty days,Hasan saw in a dream,one night,his mother mourning for him and indeed her bones were wasted and her body had waxed shrunken and her complexion had yellowed and her favour had changed the while he was in excellent case.When she saw him in this state,she said to him,'O my son,O Hasan,how is it that thou livest thy worldly life at thine ease and forgettest me? Look at my plight since thy loss! I do not forget thee,nor will my tongue cease to name thy name till I die;and I have made thee a tomb in my house,that I may never forget thee.Would Heaven I knew[79] if I shall live,O my son,to see thee by my side and if we shall ever again foregather as we were.' Thereupon Hasan awoke from sleep,weeping and wailing,the tears railed down his cheeks like rain and he became mournful and melancholy;his tears dried not nor did sleep visit him,but he had no rest,and no patience was left to him.When he arose,the Princesses came in to him and gave him good-morrow and made merry with him as was their wont;but he paid no heed to them;so they asked his wife concerning his case and she said,'I ken not.' Quoth they,'Question him of his condition.' So she went up to him and said,'What aileth thee,O my lord?'
Whereupon he moaned and groaned and told her what he had seen in his dream and repeated these two couplets;'Indeed afflicted sore are we and all distraught,* Seeking for union;yet we find no way: