第72章(1 / 3)

So he set down his basket,saying,'O Sultan of the Jews,I am a fisher-wight and went forth to-day to the Tigris and casting my net in thy name,cried,'This is for the luck of Abu al-Sa'adat;' and there came up to me this Banni which I have brought thee by way of present.'Then he lifted the grass and discovered the fish to the Jew,who marvelled at its make and said,'Extolled be the perfection of the Most Excellent Creator!'Then he gave the fisherman a dinar,but he refused it and he gave him two.This also he refused and the Jew stayed not adding to his offer,till he made it ten dinars;but he still refused and Abu al-Sa'adat said to him,'By Allah,thou art a greedy one.Tell me what thou wouldst have,O Moslem!'Quoth Khalif,'I would have of thee but a single word.[274]'When the Jew heard this ,he changed colour and said,'Wouldst thou oust me from my faith? Wend thy ways;'and Khalif said to him;'By Allah,O Jew,naught mattereth an thou become a Moslem or a Nazarene!'Asked the Jew,'Then what wouldst thou have me say?'

and the fisherman answered,'Say,I sell thee my ape for thy ape and my luck for thy luck.'The Jew laughed,deeming him little of wit,and said by way of jest,'I sell thee my ape for thy ape and my luck for thy luck.Bear witness against him,O merchants! By Allah,O unhappy,thou art debarred from further claim on me!'So Khalif turned back,blaming himself and saying,'There is no Majesty and there is no Might save in Allah,the Glorious,the Great! Alas that I did not take the gold!'and fared on blaming himself in the matter of the money till he came to the Tigris;but found not the two apes,whereupon he wept and slapped his face and strewed dust on his head,saying,'But that the second ape wheedled me and put a cheat on me,the one-eyed ape had not escaped.'And he gave not over wailing and weeping,till heat and hunger grew sore on him: so he took the net,saying,'Come,let us make a cast,trusting in Allah's blessing;belike I may catch a cat-fish or a barbel which I may boil and eat.'So he threw the net and waiting till it had settled,drew it ashore and found it full of fish,whereat he was consoled and rejoiced and busied himself with unmeshing the fish and casting them on the earth.