第92章(3 / 3)

When it was the Eight Hundred and Fifty-seventh Night; She pursued,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that Zayn al-Mawasif wrote the following reply to Masrur's missive:'This letter to my lord and master I indite * the king of my heart and my secret sprite * Indeed,wakefulness agitateth me * and melancholy increaseth on me * and I have no patience to endure the absence of thee * O thou who excellest sun and moon in brilliancy * Desire of repose despoileth me * and passion destroyeth me * and how should it be otherwise with me,seeing that I am of the number of the dying? *O glory of the world and Ornament of life,she whose vital spirits are cut off shall her cup be sweet to quaff? * For that she is neither with the quick nor with the dead.'And she improvised these couplets and said;'Thy writ,O Masrār,stirred my sprite to pine * For by Allah;all patience and solace I tyne:

When I read thy ure,my vitals yearned * And watered the herbs of the wold these eyne.

On Night's wings I'd fly an a bird * And sans thee I weet not the sweets of wine:

Life's unlawful to me since thou faredst far * To bear parting-lowe is no force of mine.'