Ah would the Severance-raven's croak were stilled * And Union-dawn of Love show bless?d light!'
When the blacksmith heard this,he wept like the weeping of the clouds.Then he knocked at the door and the women said,'Who is at the door?'Answered he,''Tis I,the blacksmith,'and told them what the Kazi had said and how he would have them appear before him and make their complaint to him,that he might do them justice on their adversary.--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say; When it was the Eight Hundred and Fifty-eighth Night; She resumed,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that when the blacksmith told Zayn al-Mawasif what the Kazi had said,and how he summoned them that he might apply the Lex Talionis to their adversary,she rejoined,'How can we go to him,seeing the door is locked on us and our feet shackled and the Jew hath the keys?'
The smith replied,'I will make the keys for the padlocks and therewith open door and shackles.'Asked she,'But who will show us the Kazi's house?';and he answered,'I will describe it to you.'She enquired,'But how can we appear before him,clad as we are in haircloth reeking with sulphur?'And the smith rejoined;'The Kazi will not reproach this to you,considering your case.'