Then with my heart she fared where'er she fared * And left me pledged to sorrows soul subdue.
Such is my tale! So pity ye my case * And this my page with Kazi's gear indue.'
Then he sobbed one sob and his soul fled his flesh;whereupon they gat ready his funeral and buried him commending him to the mercy of Allah;after which they repaired to the third Kazi and the fourth,and there befel them the like of what befel their brethren.[367] Furthermore,they found the Assessors also sick for love of her,and indeed all who saw her died of her love or;an they died not,lived on tortured with the lowe of passion.--
And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
When it was the Eight Hundred and Sixty-first Night; She pursued,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that the city folk found all the Kazis and the Assessors sick for love of her;and all who saw her died lovesick or,an they died not,lived on tortured with the lowe of passion for stress of pining to no purpose--Allah have mercy on them one and all! Meanwhile Zayn al-
Mawasif and her women drave on with all diligence till they were far distant from the city and it so fortuned that they came to a convent by the way,wherein dwelt a Prior called Danis and forty monks.[368] When the Prior saw her beauty,he went out to her and invited her to alight,saying,'Rest with us ten days and after wend your ways.'So she and her damsels alighted and entered the convent;and when Danis saw her beauty and loveliness,she debauched his belief and he was seduced by her:
wherefore he fell to sending the monks,one after other with love-messages;but each who saw her fell in love with her and sought her favours for himself,whilst she excused and denied herself to them.But Danis ceased not his importunities till he had dispatched all the forty,each one of whom fell love-sick at first sight and plied her with blandishments never even naming Danis;whilst she refused and rebuffed them with harsh replies.