I cry when melancholy tries my sprite * Last not,O world nor work more despight;
Lo hangs my soul'twixt hardship and affright.
Were the Sultan hight Love but fair to me,* Slumber mine eyes'companion were to me;My Lords,some little mercy spare to me,* Chief of my tribe: be debonnair to me;Whom Love cast down,erst rich now pauper-wight!
Censors may blame thee but I look beyond * Mine ears I stop and leave their lies unconned And keep my pact wi' those I love so fond: * They say,'Thou lov'st a runaway!' I respond;'Whist! whenas Fate descends she blinds the sight!'
Then he returned to his lodging and sat there weeping,till sleep overcame him,when he saw in a dream as if Zayn al-Mawasif were come to the house,and awoke in tears.So he set off to go thither,improvising these couplets;'Shall I be consoled when Love hath mastered the secret of me *
And my heart is aglow with more than the charcoal's ardency?
I love her whose absence I plain before Allah for parting-stower * And the shifts of the days and doom which allotted me Destiny:
When shall our meeting be,O wish O' my heart and will? * O favour of fullest Moon,when shall we Re-union see?'
As he made an end of his recitation,he found himself walking adown in Zayn al-Mawasif's street and smelt the sweet savour of the pastiles wherewithal she had incensed the house;wherefore his vitals fluttered and his heart was like to leave his breast and desire flamed up in him and distraction redoubled upon him;
when lo,and behold! Hubub,on her way to do her lady's errand suddenly appeared at the head of the street and he rejoiced with joy exceeding.When she saw him,she went up to him and saluting him,gave him the glad news of her mistress's return,saying;'She hath sent me to bid thee to her.'Whereat he was glad indeed,with gladness naught could exceed;and she took him and returned with him to the house.When Zayn al-Mawasif saw him,she came down to him from the couch and kissed him and he kissed her and she embraced him and he embraced her;nor did they leave kissing and embracing till both swooned away for stress of affection and separation.They lay a long while senseless,and when they revived,Zayn al-Mawasif bade Hubub fetch her a gugglet of sherbet of sugar and another of sherbet of lemons.So she brought what she desired and they sat eating and drinking nor ceased before nightfall,when they fell to recalling all that had befallen them from commencement to conclusion.Then she acquainted him with her return to Al-Islam,whereat he rejoiced and he also became a Moslem.On like wise did her women,and they ail repented to Allah Almighty of their infidelity.On the morrow she made send for the Kazi and the witnesses and told them that she was a widow and had completed the purification period and was minded to marry Masrur.So they drew up the wedding-contract between them and they abode in all delight of life.Meanwhile;the Jew,when the people of Adan released him from prison,set out homewards and fared on nor ceased faring till he came within three days' journey of the city.Now as soon as Zayn al-Mawasif heard of his coming she called for her handmaid Hubub and said to her,'Go to the Jews' burial-place and there dig a grave and plant on it sweet basil and jessamine and sprinkle water thereabout.If the Jew come and ask thee of me,answer,'My mistress died twenty days ago of chagrin on thine account.' If he say,show me her tomb,take him to the grave and after weeping over it and making moan and lament before him,contrive to cast him therein and bury him alive.'[373] And Hubub answered,'I hear and I obey.'