第99章(3 / 3)

Quoth he,'Why this turmoil of people?' * Quoth I,'Trader,for those fine eyes!'

And saith another in his praise and saith well enough to accomplish the wish of him;'Came a merchant to pay us a visit * Whose glance did my heart surprise:

Quoth he,'What surprised thee so?' * Quoth I,'Trader,'twas those fine eyes.''

Now that merchant had a son called Ali Nur al-Din,as he were the full moon whenas it meeteth the sight on its fourteenth night,a marvel of beauty and loveliness,a model of form and symmetrical grace,who was sitting one day as was his wont,in his father's shop,selling and buying,giving and taking,when the sons of the merchants girt him around and he was amongst them as moon among stars,with brow flower-white and cheeks of rosy light in down the tenderest dight,and body like alabaster-bright even as saith of him the poet;''Describe me!' a fair one said.* Said I,'Thou art Beauty's queen.'

And,speaking briefest speech,*'All charms in thee are seen.'

And as saith of him one of his describers;'His mole upon plain of cheek is like * Ambergris-crumb on marble plate;And his glances likest the sword proclaim * To all Love's rebels'The Lord is Great!'[378]

The young merchants invited him saying,'O my lord Nur al-Din,we wish thee to go this day a-pleasuring with us in such a garden.'