Then they rose forthright and shutting up their shops,took Nur al-Din and fared with the Frank,who brought them to a goodly and spacious saloon,wherein were two daises.Here he made them sit and set before them a scarlet tray-cloth of goodly workmanship and unique handiwork,wroughten in gold with figures of breaker and broken,lover and beloved,asker and asked,whereon he ranged precious vessels of porcelain and crystal,full of the costliest confections,fruits and flowers,and brought them a flagon of old Greek wine.Then he bade slaughter a fat lamb and kindling fire;proceeded to roast of its flesh and feed the merchants therewith and give them draughts of that wine,winking at them the while to ply Nur al-Din with drink.Accordingly they ceased not plying him with wine till he became drunken and took leave of his wits;so when the Frank saw that he was drowned in liquor,he said to him;'O my lord Nur al-Din,thou gladdenest us with thy company to-night: welcome,and again welcome to thee.'Then he engaged him awhile in talk,till he could draw near to him,when he said;with dissembling speech,'O my lord,Nur al-Din,wilt thou sell me thy slave-girl,whom thou boughtest in presence of these merchants a year ago for a thousand dinars? I will give thee at this moment five thousand gold pieces for her and thou wilt thus make four thousand ducats profit.'Nur al-Din refused,but the Frank ceased not to ply him with meat and drink and lure him with lucre,still adding to his offers,till he bid him ten thousand dinars for her;whereupon Nur al-Din,in his drunkenness,said before the merchants,'I sell her to thee for ten thousand dinars: hand over the money.'At this the Frank rejoiced with joy exceeding and took the merchants to witness the sale.They passed the night in eating and drinking,mirth and merriment,till the morning,when the Frank cried out to his pages,saying,'Bring me the money.'So they brought it to him and he counted out ten thousand dinars to Nur al-Din,saying,'O my lord,take the price of thy slave-girl,whom thou soldest to me last night,in the presence of these Moslem merchants.'Replied Nur al-Din,'O accursed,I sold thee nothing and thou liest anent me,for I have no slave-girls.'Quoth the Frank,'In very sooth thou didst sell her to me and these merchants were witnesses to the bargain.'
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