Compare my madness with herself for whom I rave;if she Accord therewith,then blame me not for that which I aby.''
Miriam replied,'By Allah,O Nur al-Din,indeed thou hast sinned against thyself,for I warned thee of this before it befell thee:
yet wouldst thou not hearken to me,but followest thine own lust:
albeit that whereof I gave thee to know I learnt not by means of inspiration nor physiognomy[520] nor dreams,but by eye-witness and very sight;for I saw the one-eyed Wazir and knew that he was not come to Alexandria but in quest of me.'Said he;'O my lady Miriam,we seek refuge with Allah from the error of the intelligent!'[521] Then his affliction redoubled on him and he recited this saying,[522]'Pass o'er my fault,for'tis the wise man's wont Of other's sins to take no harsh account;
And as all crimes have made my breast their site;So thine all shapes of mercy should unite.
Who from above would mercy seek to know;Should first be merciful to those below.'