Until we were in gloria[530] and lay him down the spy * And sank his eyes within his brain declining further sight:
And struck the gongs as they that had the charge of them were like * Muezzin crying duty-prayers in Allah's book indite.
Then rose she up right hastily and donned the dress she'd doffed * Sore fearing lest a shooting-star[531] upon our heads alight.
And cried,'O wish and will of me,O end of all my hopes! *
Behold the morning comes to us in brightest whitest light.'
I swear if but one day of rule were given to my life * And I were made an Emperor of majesty and might;Adown I'd break the buttresses of churches one and all * And by their slaughter rid the earth of every shaveling wight.'
Then the Lady Miriam pressed him to her bosom and kissed his cheek and asked him,'O Nur al-Din,how long hast thou been in this town?'Seven days.'Hast thou walked about in it,and dost thou know its ways and issues and its sea-gates and land gates?'
'Yes!'Knowest thou the way to the offertory-chest[532] of the church?'Yes!'Since thou knowest all this,as soon as the first third[533] of the coming night is over,go to the offertory-chest and take thence what thou wishest and willest.
Then open the door that giveth upon the tunnel[534] leading to the sea,and go down to the harbour,where thou wilt find a little ship and ten men therein,and when the Rais shall see thee,he will put out his hand to thee.