While we played, we talked. She liked to hear me talk of London. ''Is it truly so large?'' she''d say. And there are theatres? And what they call, fashion-houses?''

And eating-houses. And every kind of shop. And parks, miss.''

''Parks, like my uncle''s?''

A little like,'' I''d say. ''But filled with people, of course.—Are you low, miss, or high?''

''I am high.'' She set down a card.''—Quite filled, would you say?''▼思▼兔▼網▼文▼檔▼共▼享▼與▼在▼線▼閱▼讀▼

''I am higher. There. Three fish, to your two.''

''How well you play!—Quite filled, you say, with people?''

''Of course. But dark. Will you cut?''

''Dark? Are you sure? I thought London was said to be bright. With great lamps fired—I believe—with gas?''

''Great lamps, like diamonds!'' I said. ''In the theatres and halls. You may dance there, mi