They will always believe a gentleman, over someone like me.

And of course, I wasn''t about to tell them any such thing. I kept my thoughts to myself; and later, over pudding in her pantry, Mrs Stiles sat, fingering her brooch, and was also rather quiet. Mr Way took his newspaper away to the privy. He had had to serve up two fine wines with Mr Lilly''s dinner; and was the only one, out of all of us, not glad that Gentleman had come.

At least, I supposed I was glad. ''You are,'' I told myself, ''but just don''t know it. You''ll feel it, when you''ve seen him on his own.''—I thought we would find a way to meet, in a day or two. It was almost another two weeks, however, before we did. For of course, I had no

reason for wandering, without Maud, into the grand parts of the house. I never saw the room he slept in, and he never came to mine. Besides, the days at Briar were run so very regular, it was quite like some great mechanical show, you could not change it. The house bell woke us up in the mornings, and after that we all went moving on our ways from room to room, on our set courses, until the bell rang us back into our beds at night. There might as well have been grooves laid for us in the floorboards; we might have glided on sticks. There might have been a great handle set into the side of the house, and a great hand winding it.—Sometimes, when the view beyond the windows was dark or grey with mist, I imagined that handle and thought that I could almost hear it turning. I grew afraid of what would happen if the turning was to stop..思.兔.網.