''Is she all right?'' asks Richard, drawing on his cigarette.

I turn and look ahead. ''Quite all right.''

''She is stouter than Agnes, anyway. Poor Agnes! I wonder how she does, hey?'' He takes my arm again, and laughs. I do not answer, and his laughter fades. ''Come, Maud,'' he says, in a cooler tone, ''don''t be so spinsterish. What has happened to you?''

''Nothing has happened to me.''

He studies my profile. ''Then, why do you make us wait? Everything is in place. Everything is ready. I have taken a house for us, in London. London houses do not come cheaply, Maud

I walk on, in silence, aware of his gaze. He pulls me close again. ''You have not, I suppose,'' he says, ''had a change of heart? Have you?''


''You are sure?''☆思☆兔☆網☆文☆檔☆共☆享☆與☆在☆線☆閱☆讀☆

''Quite sure.''

''And yet, you still delay. Why is that?'' I do not answer. ''Maud, I ask you again. Something has happened, since I saw you last. What is it?''

''Nothing has happened,'' I say.


''Nothing, but what we planned for.''

''And you know what must be done now?''

''Of course.''

''Do it then, will you? Act like a lover. Smile, blush, grow foolish