You pearl, she said.
Then she comes, and meets my gaze. My heart leaps within me.
She looks away.
I think her only awkward, at first. I think her shy and self-conscious. She goes silently about the room, taking out my petticoats and gown. I stand, so she may wash and dress me. Now she will speak, I think. But, she does not. And when she sees the blush upon my breast, the marks left by her mouth, the dampness between my legs, it seems to me that she shudders. Only then do I begin to grow afraid. She calls me to the glass. I watch her face. It seems queer in reflection, crooked and wrong. She puts the pins to my hair, but keeps her eyes all the time on her own uncertain hands. I think, She is ashamed.
So then, I speak.◥思◥兔◥在◥線◥閱◥讀◥
''What a thick sleep I had,'' I say, very softly. ''Didn''t I?''
Her eyelids flutter. ''You did,'' she answers. ''No dreams.''
''No dreams, save one,'' I say. ''But that was a—a sweet one. I think you were in it, Sue . . .''
She colours; and I watch her rising blush and feel, again, the pressure of