I fall back in my seat. Richard catches my eye.
''Don''t be afraid,'' he says.
Then they take her. He helps her into their hands, and stands before me at the door, looking out.$思$兔$網$
''Wait,'' I hear her say. ''What are you doing?'' Then: ''Gentlemen! Gentlemen!''—an odd and formal phrase.
The doctors speak in soothing tones, until she begins to curse; then their voices grow hard. Richard draws back. The floor of the carriage tilts, the doorway rises, and I see her—the two men''s hands upon her arms, a nurse gripping her waist. Her cloak is falling from her shoulders, her hat is tilted, her hair is tearing from its pins. Her face is red and white. Her look is wild, already.
Her eyes are fixed on mine. I sit like a stone, until Richard takes my arm and presses, hard, upon my wrist.
''Speak,'' he whispers, ''damn you.'' Then I sing out, clear, mechanically:
''Oh! My own poor mistress!'' Her brown eyes—wide—with that darker fleck. Her tumbling hair. ''Oh! Oh! My heart is breaking!''