I have stood, as if in a trance, and let her murmur; now, feeling her fingers flutter against my face, I start away from her.
''How dare you?'' I say. ''How dare you speak to me? How dare you look at me, any of you? And you—'' I go to Richard and seize his waistcoat. ''What is this? Where have you brought me to? What do they know of Sue, here?''
''Hey, hey,'' calls the pale man mildly. The boy laughs. The woman looks rueful.
''Got a voice, don''t she?'' says the girl.
''Like the blade on a knife,'' says the man. ''That clean.''※思※兔※網※文※檔※共※享※與※在※線※閱※讀※
Richard meets my gaze, then looks away. ''What can I say?'' He shrugs. ''I am a villain.''
''Damn your attitudes now!'' I say. ''Tell me what this means. Whose house is this? Is it yours?''
''Is it his!'' The boy laughs harder, and chokes on his meat.
''John, be quiet, or I''ll thrash you,'' says the woman. ''Don''t mind him, Miss Lilly, I implore you now, don''t!''
I can feel her wringing her hands, but do not look at her. I keep my eyes upon Richard. ''Tell me,'' I say.
''Not mine,'' he answers at last.
''Not ours?'' He shakes his head. ''Whose, then? Where, then?''
He rubs at his eye. He is tired. ''It i