Presently, however, they come a little nearer. ''Now,'' says Mrs Sucksby softly, ''are you better, darling?'' I do not answer. She looks at Richard. ''Oughtn''t we to go, and let her sleep?''

''Sleep be damned,'' he answers. ''I still believe she thinks we have brought her here for her own convenience.'' He comes, and taps my face. ''Open your eyes,'' he says.

I say, ''I have no eyes. How could I? You have taken them from me.''

He catches hold of one of my lids and pinches it hard. ''Open your damn eyes!'' he says. ''That''s better. Now, there is a little more■本■作■品■由■思■兔■在■線■閱■讀■網■友■整■理■上■傳■

for you to know—just a little more, and then you may sleep. Listen to me. Listen! Don''t ask me, how you are meant to, I shall cut the fucking ears off the sides of your head if you do. Yes, I see you hear that. Do you feel this, also?'' He strikes me. ''Very good.''

The blow is not so hard as it might have been: Mrs Sucksby has seen him lift his arm and tried to check it.

''Gentleman!'' she says, her cheek growing dark. ''No call for that. No call at all. Hold your temper, can''t you? I believe you''ve bruised her. Oh, dear girl.''

She reaches towards my face. Richard scowls. ''She ought to b