Dainty''s mouth falls open. ''No! Sue Trinder? What was like your own daughter?—Johnny!'' John chooses that moment to come down, for his supper. ''Johnny, you ain''t going to guess what! Sue''s took all of Mrs Sucksby''s money, and that''s why she ain''t come back. Done a flit. Just about broke Mrs Sucksby''s heart. If we see her, we got to kill her.''

''Done a flit? Sue Trinder?'' He snorts. ''She ain''t got the nerve.''

''Well, she done it.''

''She done it,'' says Mrs Sucksby, with another glance at me, ''and I don''t want to hear her name said in this house. That''s all.''_本_作_品_由_思_兔_在_線_閱_讀_網_友_整_理_上_傳_

''Sue Trinder, turned out a sharper!'' says John.

''That''s bad blood for you,'' says Richard. He also looks at me. ''Shows up in queer ways.''

''What did I just say?'' says Mrs Sucksby hoarsely. ''I won''t have her name said.'' She lifts her arm, and John falls silent. But he shakes his head and gives a whistle. Then after a moment, he laughs.

''More meat for us, thoug