now, but a trunk or a piano. Not once did they look me in the face. Finally, one of the men began to whistle a tune, and to beat out the time of it, with his finger-ends, on my leg.*思*兔*在*線*閱*讀*

Then we reached another room, with a ceiling of a paler shade of drab; and here they stopped. ''Careful, now,'' they said.

The men put down my legs. The woman took her arm from my neck and gave me a push. It was only a little push and yet, they had so pulled and shaken me about, I found I staggered and fell. I fell upon my hands. I opened my mouth and the spoon fell out. One of the men reached, quick, to take it. He shook the spit from it. ''Please,'' I said.

''You may say please, now,'' said the woman. Then she spoke to the men. ''Gave me a crack with her head, upon the steps. Look here. Am I bruised?'' ''I believe you shall be.'' ''Little devil!''

She put her foot to me. ''Now, does Dr Christie have you here to give us all bruises? Eh, my lady? Mrs What-is-your-name? Mrs Waters,