Dinner lasted half an hour. We were watched by the nurses and a few stout men—Mr Bates and Mr Hedges, and one or two others. They stood at the side of the room, and now and then walked between the tables. When one drew close I twitched and lifted up my hand and said,

''Please, sir, where are the doctors? Sir? May I see Dr Christie, sir?''

''Dr Christie is busy,'' he said. ''Be quiet.'' He walked on.

A lady said, ''You shan''t see the doctors now. They come only in the mornings. Don''t you know?''

''She is new here,'' said another.◇思◇兔◇網◇文◇檔◇共◇享◇與◇在◇線◇閱◇讀◇

''Where are you from?'' asked the first.

''From London,'' I said, still looking after the man. ''Though here they think I come from somewhere else.''

''From London!'' she cried. Some of the other ladies said it, too: ''London!'' ''Ah! London! How I miss it!''

''And the season just beginning. That is very hard for you. And so young! Are you out?''

I said, ''Out?''

''Who are your pe