''Curse you!'' said Miss Wilson. ''I told you that as a confidence!— You may see, Mrs Rivers, how they work to diminish my standing.—Does my brother pay a guinea a week for you to abuse me? Thieves! Devils!''◥本◥作◥品◥由◥思◥兔◥在◥線◥閱◥讀◥網◥友◥整◥理◥上◥傳◥
Nurse Bacon made a show of rising from her chair and making her hands into fists; and Miss Wilson grew quiet again. I said, after a moment,
''You may think what you like about the moon, Miss Wilson. Why shouldn''t you? But when I tell you I have been put in here by swindlers and am perfectly right in my head, I say no more than the truth. Dr Christie shall find it out, in time.''
''I hope he will,'' she answered. ''I am sure he will. But you know, it is your husband who must sign you out.''
I stared at her. Then I looked at Nurse Bacon. ''Is that true?'' I asked. Nurse Bacon nodded. I began to weep again. ''Then, God help me, I''m done for!'' I cried. ''For that shyster never, never will!''
Miss Wilson shook her head. ''So hard! So hard! But perhaps he
ill visit, and take a change of heart? They must let us see our vis-tors, you know; that is the law.''
I wiped my face. ''He won''t come,'' I said. ''He knows that, if he did, I would kill him!''
She looked about