''You leave me alone!''★本★作★品★由★思★兔★網★提★供★線★上★閱★讀★

''Shut up,'' they said. ''We aren''t going to hurt you. We only want to see who''s heaviest out of Nurse Bacon, Nurse Spiller and Nurse Flew. We only want to see which of them will make you squeak most. Are you ready?''

''Get off me! Get off me! I''ll tell Dr Christie!''

Someone hit me in the face. Someone else jerked my leg. ''Spoilsport,'' they said. ''Now, who''s to go on her first?''

''I will,'' I heard Nurse Flew say, and the others moved back a little for her to come forward. She was smoothing down her gown. ''Have you got her?'' she said.

''We''ve got her.''

''Right. Hold her still''

Then they pulled me tight, as if I were a wet sheet and they meant to wring me. My thoughts, at that moment, aren''t fit to be described. I was sure they would tear the arms and legs off me. I was sure they would snap my bones. I started to shout and, again, I was struck in the face and jerked about; so then I fell silent. Then Nurse Flew got on to the bed and, lifting up her skirt, knelt astride of me. The bed gave a creak. She rubbed her hands and fixe