''Sit down, John,'' said Mrs Sucksby.
He folded his arms. ''I shall stand if I like.''
''Sit down, or I''ll hit you.''
''Hit me?'' His voice was hoarse. ''Hit them two, there!'' He pointed to Gentleman and Charles. Mrs Sucksby took two quick steps, and struck him. She struck him hard. He put both his arms to his head and gazed at her from between his elbows.^思^兔^網^文^檔^共^享^與^在^線^閱^讀^
''You old cow!'' he said. ''You been down on me since the day I was born. You touch me again, you''ll know it!''
His eyes blazed as he said it; but then, they filled with tears and he began to snivel. He walked to the wall, and kicked it. Charles shuddered and wept harder. Gentleman looked from one to the other, then gazed at Maud in pretend amazement.
''Is it down to me,'' he said, ''that small boys weep?''
''Fuck you, I ain''t small!'' said John.
''Will you be quiet?'' said Maud, in her low, clear voice. ''Charles, that''s enough.''
Charles wiped his nose. ''Yes, miss.''
Gentleman leaned against the post of the door, still smoking. ''So, Suky,'' he said. ''You know all now.''
''I know you''re a filthy swindler,'' I said. ''But I knew that, six months ago. I was a fool, that''s all, to trust you.''
''Dear girl,'' said Mrs Sucksby quickly, with her eyes on G