n on her nightgown by touch alone. “You see, vampires show

love by exchanging blood. The problem was…that I was sharing blood

with Damon, too. Not really by choice, but because he was after me

constantly, day and night.”

She let out a sigh. “What Damon says is that he wants to make me

a vampire and his Princess of the Night. What that translates into is: he

wants me all to himself. But I wouldn’t trust Damon on anything unless

he gave his word. That’s one quirk he has, he never breaks his word.”

Elena could feel an odd smile curling her lips, but she was

speaking calmly now, fluently, the mobile almost forgotten.

“A girl involved with two vampires…well, there’s bound to be

trouble, isn’t there? So maybe I deserved what I got.

“I died.

“Not just ‘died’ like when your heart stops and they resuscitate you

and you come back talking about almost going into the Light. I went into

the Light.

“I died.

“And when I came back—what a surprise! I was a vampire.

“Damon was…kind to me, I suppose, when I first woke up as a

vampire. Maybe that’s the reason I still have…feelings for him. He

didn’t take advantage of me when he could have easily.

“But I only had time to do a few things in my vampire life. I had

time to remember Stefan and love him more than ever—since I knew,