minibrush, her lip gloss, her water bottle, and her earrings. ★思★兔★在★線★閱★讀★
Damon shook his head, but didn’t stop her until she began
fumbling with a lapis and diamond pendant Stefan had given her. She
was crying as she tried to disengage the clasp when suddenly the last bit
of the rope around her wrist came up short.
“No more,” Damon said. “You don’t understand anything. We
haven’t even entered the city proper yet. Why don’t you have a look at
the architecture instead of worrying about useless brats who’re likely to
die anyway?”
“That’s cold,” Elena said, but she couldn’t think of any way to
make him understand, and she was too angry with him to try.
Still, she stopped fumbling with the chain and looked beyond the
slums as Damon had suggested. There she could see a breathtaking
skyline, with buildings that seemed meant to last for eternity, made of
stones that looked the way the Egyptian pyramids and Mayan ziggurats
must have looked when they were new. Everything, though, was colored
red and black by a sun now concealed by sullen crimson cloudbanks.
That huge red sun—it gave the air a different look for different moods.
At times it seemed almost romantic, glinting on a large river Elena and
Damon passed, pick