whispering. A girl like this wasn’t meant for the slums at all; she must

have been destined for the heart of the city. Her aura alone was enough

to show that. In fact, with that golden hair and those vivid blue eyes, she

might even be a Guardian from the Other Side. Who knew—?

The lash that was raised never descended. Before it could, there

was a flash of black lightning—pure Power—that sent half the crowd

scattering. A vampire, young in appearance and dressed in the clothing

of the upper world, Earth, had made his way to stand between the golden

girl and the slave owner—or rather to loom over the now cringing slave

owner. The few in the crowd not stirred by the girl immediately felt their

hearts pulse at the sight of him. He was the girl’s owner, surely, and now

he would see to the situation.

At that instant, Bonnie and Meredith arrived on the scene. They

were reclining on their litter, decorously draped in their veils, Meredith

in starry midnight blue and Bonnie in soft pale green. They could have

been an illustration for The Arabian Nights.

But the moment they saw Damon and Elena, they most

indecorously jumped off the litter. By now the crowd was so thick that

working their way to the front required using elbows and knees, but in

only seconds they were at Elena’s side, hands defiantly unbound or