e—“she should recover.”

“Take care of Elena first, then,” Damon said.

“No, no!” Elena said, pushing the doctor away. He seemed like a

nice man, but obviously around here, masters were masters—and

Damon was more masterful and intimidating than most.

But not, at this moment, to Elena. She didn’t care about herself

right now. She’d made a promise—the doctor’s words meant that she

might be able to keep it. That was what she cared about.

Up and down, up and down. Dr. Meggar’s eyebrows looked like

two caterpillars on one elastic string. One lagged a little behind the

other. Clearly, the behavior he was seeing was abnormal, even liable to

be punished by serious means. But Elena only noticed him peripherally,

the way she was noticing Damon.

“Help her,” she said vehemently—and watched the doctor’s

eyebrows shoot up as if they were aimed for the ceiling.

She’d let her aura escape. Not completely, thank God, but a blast

had definitely discharged, like a flash of sheet lightning in the room.

And the doctor, who wasn’t a vampire, but just an ordinary citizen,

had noticed it. Lakshmi had noticed it; even Ulma stirred on the

examining table uneasily.

I’m going to have to be a whole lot more careful, Elena thought.

She cast a quick look at Damon, who was about to explode,