Drohzne with one blast of Power. But I never imagined you’d get hurt.

His telepathic voice was at once filled with the darkest kind of menace

imaginable and a strange, almost gentle, calm. As if he were trying to

keep all the ferocity and anger locked away from her.

I couldn’t even tell him—I couldn’t even send words to him to tell

him what he was. I couldn’t think. He was a telepath; he would have

heard me. But I didn’t have any words. I could only scream—in my


Elena felt a bit light-headed—a little more light-headed than she’d

already been feeling. Damon was feeling this anguish—for her? He

wasn’t angry about her flagrantly breaking rules in front of crowds,

maybe breaking their cover? He didn’t mind looking bedraggled?

“Damon,” she said. He’d surprised her into speaking out loud.

“It—it—doesn’t matter. It’s not your fault. You would never even have

let me do it—”

“But I should have known you wouldn’t ask! I thought you were

going to attack him, to jump on his shoulders and throttle him, and I was

ready to help you do that, to take him down like two wolves taking down

a big buck. But you’re not a sword, Elena. Whatever you think, you’re a

shield. I should have known that you would take the next blow yourself.

And because of me, you got—” His eye drifted to her cheekbone and he