she could see all of their musculature because they were stark naked
except for rags such as beggars wore. But they weren’t beggars—they
looked well-fed and oily and it was clearly an act when one of them
groveled, “We have trespassed. We beg your forgiveness, O master!”
Elena was reaching to take the sphere off her temple (they stuck
gently, if you put a little pressure there) and saying, “Why don’t they use
the space for something else?”
Something else was immediately all around her. A girl, in poor
clothing, but not sacking. She looked terrified. Elena wondered if she
were being controlled.
And Elena was the girl.
Let what get you? Elena asked, but it was like watching a movie or
book character while they were going into a lonely house in a howling
storm and the music had turned eerie. The Elena who was walking in
fear could not hear the Elena who was asking practical questions.
I don’t think I want to see how this one comes out, she decided.
She put the star ball back at Meredith’s feet.
“Do we have three sacks?”
“Yes, ma’am, yes, ma’am; three sacks full.”
Oh. That didn’t work out very well. Elena was opening her mouth
again, when Damon added quietly: “And one sack empty.”