h already. After his long deprivation,

Stefan was in no mood to be contrary. His head darted up and Elena felt

more than the usual pain because he was at the wrong angle, and Elena

was glad because Stefan had struck a vein down its length and blood

was flowing into his mouth in a steady stream.

They had to go a little more slowly now, or Elena would have

tripped and colored Stefan’s face maroon like a demon’s, but they were

still jogging. Someone else was guiding them.

Then, very suddenly they stopped. Elena, eyes shut, mind locked

on to Stefan’s, would not have looked up for the world. But in a moment

they were moving again, and there was a feeling of spaciousness all

around Elena and she realized that they were in the lobby and she had to

make sure everyone knew.

It’s on the left side of us now, she sent to Damon. It’s close to the

front. It’s a door with all sorts of symbols above.

I believe I’m familiar with the species, Damon sent back dryly, but

even he couldn’t hide two things from her. One was that he was glad,

actually glad to feel Elena’s elation, and to know that it was he, in the

main part, that had brought it about.

The other was simple. That if there was a choice between the life

of himself and the life of his brother, he would give his own life. For