out there? Maybe it’s them, coming back.”

“It couldn’t be.” The time Matt had spent with this particular old

woman had made him not only respect her, but love her. “But I don’t

think we should go outside, anyway.”

“Dear Matt. You are such a comfort to me,” Mrs. Flowers


Matt didn’t really see how. It was all her stored food and water

they were using. Even the fold-up cot was hers.

If he had been on his own he might have investigated

this…extraordinary thing. Three spotlights shining out of the ground at

an angle so that they met just about at the height of a human being.

Bright lights. And getting brighter every minute.

Matt sucked in his breath. Three ley lines, huh? God, it was

probably an invasion of monsters.

He didn’t even dare to hope.

Elena didn’t know if she had needed to say USA or Earth, or even

if the door could take her to Fell’s Church, or if Damon would have to

give her the name of some gate that was close to it. But…surely…with

all those ley lines…

The door opened, revealing a small room like an elevator.

Sage said quietly, “Can you four carry him if you have to fight,

too?” And—after a second to unravel what this meant—three shrieks of

protest, in three different feminine tones, came.

“No! Oh, please, no! Oh don’t leave us!!”—Bonnie, begging.