Who promptly exploded. “You took Stefan’s memories—?” `思`兔`網`文`檔`共`享`與`在`線`閱`讀`
“Now, now, nothing so drastic, my dear. But a
thirty-meld-a-session beautician—now, she was most cooperative.”
Elena turned her gaze up at the giant face with a look of utter
contempt. “You…cad.”
“Oh, I’m stricken to the heart.” But the thing was, Shinichi’s giant
face did look stricken—angry and dangerous. “Between you, all such
close friends: do you know how many secrets there are? Of course,
Meredith is a mistress of secrecy, keeping her secrets from her friends
all these years. You think you’ve already pumped her dry, but the best is
yet to come. And then, of course, there is Damon’s secret.”
“Which if spoken of here and now will mean instant war,” Damon
said. “And you know, it’s strange, but I got the feeling that you came
here tonight to negotiate.”
This time Shinichi’s laughter really was a gale, and Damon had to
leap behind Meredith to prevent her being knocked into the hole the
elevator had made.
“Very gallant,” Shinichi boomed again, shattering glass
somewhere on Mrs. Flowers’s house. “But I really must be going. Shall I
leave a synopsis of the prizes you still have to search for before your
little company can look each other in the eye?”
“I think we alre