going—to open it last night—when we got too tired—!”
“But to do it alone, to open a present from a kitsune…that was
foolish, yes?”
A choking Damon snapped, “Don’t lecture me. Help me. Why am
I muffled in cotton wool? Why can’t I see? Or hear? Or
smell—anything? I’m telling you I can’t smell a thing!”
“You are fit and sharp as any human could be. You could probably
defeat most vampires if you fought with one right now. But human
senses are very few and very dull.”
Words were swimming in Elena’s head…opening things not
addressed to you…bouquet from a kitsune…human…
Oh, my God!
Apparently, the same words were going through the mind of
someone else, because suddenly a figure dashed in from the kitchen
area. Stefan.
“You stole my bouquet? From the kitsune?”
“I was very careful—”
“Do you realize what you’ve done?” Stefan shook Damon.
“Ow. That hurts! Do you want to break my neck?”
“That hurts? Damon, you’re in for a world of hurt! Do you
understand? I talked to that kitsune. Told him the whole story of my life.
Elena came to visit and he saw her practically…well, never mind—he
saw her crying over me! Do…you…realize…what…you…have…
It was as if Stefan had started climbing a series of steps, and that