was Maria. ''My dear boy - !'' she

''Don''t "dear boy" me, you ugly bitch!'' I said to her then. ''You''re as bad as her, in your Turkish trousers. What are you, looking for your harem? No wonder they are off fucking each other with their enormous parts, if they have you as their master. You have had your fingers all over me, for a year and a


half; but if a real girl was ever to uncover her tit and put it in your hand, you would have to ring for your maid, for her to show you what to do with it!''

''That''s enough!'' This was Diana. She was gazing at me, white-faced and furious, but still terribly calm. Now she turned and addressed the group of goggling ladies. She said: ''Nancy thinks it amusing, sometimes, to kick her little heels; and sometimes, of course, it is. But not tonight. Tonight, I''m afraid, it is only tiresome.'' She looked at me again, but spoke, still, as if to her guests. ''She will go upstairs,'' she said levelly, ''until she is sorry. Then she will apologise to the ladies she has upset. And then, I shall think of some little punishment for her.'' Her gaze flicked over the remains of my costume. ''Something suitably Roman, perhaps.''

''Roman?'' I answered. ''Well, you should know about that. How old are you today? You were there, weren''t you, at Hadrian''s palace?''

It was a mild enough insult, after all that I had said. But as I said it, there came a titter from the crowd. It was only a small one; but if there was ever anyone who could not bear to be tittered at, that person was Diana. I think she would rather have been shot between the eyes. Now, hearing that stifled laugh, she grew even paler. She took a step towards me, and raised her hand; she did it so quickly, I had time only to catch the flash of something dark at the end of her arm - then there came what seemed to be a small explosion at my cheek.