4. It is with life as with a dream. 人生就像是一場夢。

【分析】It is with… as with…= It is in… as in…,表示“…就像是…”之意,前麵的詞語是句子的重點,as with緊跟的詞語則是它的比喻。

5. It will be some time before it returns to its original shape. 到它恢複到原來的形狀為止,是要花上一些時間的。

【分析】“It will be…before…”表示“到…為止,要花…的時間”,它除了將來時的形式出現外,還可以用其他的形式來表達。


A. 翻譯

1. 我在這兒幹死幹活的,可是根本就沒有機會漲工資,更別說升職了。

2. 當火車啟動時,設法趕上那趟車是徒勞的。

3. 夏天到了,直到19:00,天才開始逐漸黑下來。

4. 人生就像是一次遠行,經曆喜怒哀樂,同時積累經驗。

5. 人類就像土地一樣,有時會存在著所有人都沒有發覺的金礦。

6. 花了八年多時間,軍隊才擊敗敵人獲得全麵勝利。

7. 不管你說什麼,我和那件事無關。 //思//兔//網//

8. 總統和這起賄賂案沒有關係。

9. 老師聽到那個男孩小聲地說了些什麼,她讓他高聲重複。

10. 他們完成這項工程的監理工作需要花半年的時間。


1. I am just spinning my wheels here—there’s no chance to get a pay raise, much less a promotion.

2. It is no use trying to catch up with the train once it starts.

3. Summer is coming, now it was not until 7:00 p.m. that the sky starts getting dark.

4. It is in life as in a long journey: going through difficulties, as well as pleasant times, and at the same time, concentrated experiences.

5. It is in man as in soil that there is sometimes a vein of gold that the owner is unaware of.

6. It was more than 8 years before the army defeated the enemy completely

7. Whatever you may say, I have no concern with that issue.

8. The president had no concern with the bribery case.

9. The teacher heard the boy say something under his breath and she asked him to repeat it aloud.

10. It will be about another half a year before they finish the engineering construction supervision.

B. 改錯

1. We protested on vain. The government still insisted on

demolishing the building.

2. All he has done is vain. It won’t save our