2. 據說,美國人於1787年製定的“聯邦條款”是為當時政府運作提供的一個模式。
3. 這就是為什麼他不想接受這個事實的原因。
4. 我因此而辭掉了在那家公司的工作。
5. 他們的言辭爭論著,漸漸地,他們變得激動,終於其中有一個做出了魯莽的行動。
6. 令所有出席的人都感到驚訝的是,這位英雄忽然不見了。
7. 當我剛好六歲半的時候,某個早上,孩子們正在吃早餐時,被告知不準再到處亂跑,當時大家都很驚慌。
8. 像所有政客一要,他說他要為人民做好事,可是我懷疑他是另有個人的打算。
9. 依我看來,你在你媽媽麵前表現得太無禮了。
10. 她的新的夜禮服是巴黎時裝中最新潮的。
1. They say that man is the least biologically determined species of all because he possesses features absent in other natural species.
2. I heard that the Americans drew up their “Articles of Confederation” in 1781 in order to provide a working form of government.
3. This is the reason why he did not want to accept the fact.
4. This is the way I resigned from the job in that company.
5. They argued with hot words and gradually they got excited, until at last one of them resorted to reckless measures.
6. To the surprise of all present, the hero was gone.
7. I was just about half-way through my sixth year when one morning at breakfast we children were informed to our utter dismay that we could no longer be permitted to run absolutely wild.
8. Like all politicians, he says he wants to do good for people, but I think he has an axe to grind.
9. From my perspective, I think you behaved rudely before your mom.
10. Her new evening dress is the last word in Paris fashion.
B. 改錯
1. It is say that she is a movie star.
2. They tell that there will be a heavy storm tomorrow.
3. This is the way which I saw the results.
4. This is the reason that why she could not receive a normal
school education.
5. After suffering from the hurt, at finally he stood up and
decided to start from the very beginning.
6. He ran faster and faster, till last he reached the destination first.