. 她種植了各種不同類型的珍貴花卉,更不用說是玫瑰和茉莉花了。
2. 不能花太短的時間來完成關係一生的大事。
3. 說實在話,他二十年前沒能接受到正規學校教育。
4. 中國超過日本二十倍大的麵積。
5. 她肯定在做白日夢,看起來她的心思好像在千裏的地方。
6. 不知道是由於我太以自我為中心或是太孤僻,以致總是無法和我所認識的人成為坦誠相交的朋友。
7. 一般來說,在我們太空時代的幼年期,人類對太空的探索,就是靠其想象力。
8. 他大意是說:“同樣一個象征符號不同的文化中卻有著不同的含意”。
9. 東京的人口是日本人口的十分之一。
10. 他的年齡是我的三倍。
1. She raised quite different kinds of precious flowers to say nothing of roses and jasmine.
2. Take not too short a time to do well something that will influence you all through your life.
3. To tell the truth, he did not receive a normal education twenty years ago.
4. The land area of China is more than twenty times larger than that of Japan.
5. Her head was certainly in the clouds: she looked like her mind was a thousand miles away.
6. I’m either too self-centered or too reserved to be on confidential terms with anyone I know at all well.
7. In the early years of our space age, generally speaking, man’s exploits in space relied upon his imagination.
8. He speaks to the effect that the same symbol can carry different implications in different cultures.
9. The population of Tokyo is one-tenth of Japan’s as a whole.
10. He is three times as old as me.
B. 改錯
1. He is three times old as me.
2. The exhibition this time attracted two as many visitors as the last time.
3. The question was enough complicated for me to answer.
4. He walked very fast for me to follow him.
5. Tell the truth, I can only lend you 500 yuan.
6. To be frank at you, he tried his best.
7. You want to be the champion? I think you are crying into the moon.
8. He has much experience, to say everything of knowledge.
9. She is pretty, nothing to say of her humor.
10. To tell truth, he is an honest man and can work well under pressure.