ther wicked nor perverse, he was seeking for a sign.
Blandford and John exchanged winks.
"I reckon you done got you ma''s letter," went on Uncle Jake. "She said she was gwine to write to you ''bout my comin'' along up this er- way.
"Yes, yes, Uncle Jake," said John briskly. "My cousin and I have just been notified to expect you. We are both Carterets, you know."
"Although one of us," said Blandford, "was born and raised in the North."
"So if you will hand over the watch--" said John.
"My cousin and I-" said Blandford.
''Will then see to it--" said John.
"That comfortable quarters are found for you," said Blandford.
With creditable ingenuity, old Jake set up a cackling, high-pitched, protracted laugh. He beat his knee, picked up his hat and bent the brim in an apparent paroxysm of humorous appreciation. The seizure afforded him a mask behind which he could roll his eyes impartially between, above, and beyond his two tormentors.
"I sees what!" he chuckled, after a while. "You gen''lemen is tryin'' to have fun with the po'' old nigger. But you can''t fool old Jake. I knowed you, Marse Blandford, the minute I sot eyes on you. You was a po'' skimpy little boy no mo'' than about fo''teen when you lef'' home to come No''th; but I knowed you the minute I sot eyes on you. You is the mawtal image of old marster. The other gen''leman resembles you mightily, suh; but you can''t fool old Jake on a member of the old Vi''ginia family. No suh."