"Will you permit me to retire? I am obliged to uake a long and painful correspondence."

"Certainly, nephew."

As soon as the goodman was certain that Charles could hear nothing and was probably deep in his letter-writing, he said, with a dissimulating glanbsp;at his wife,-

"Madame Gra, what we have to talk about will be Latin to you; it is half-past ven; you bsp;go and attend to your houhold ats. Good-night, my daughter."

He kisd Eugenie, and the two women departed. A se now took plabsp;in whibsp;Pere Gra brought to bear, more than at any other moment of his life, the shrewd dexterity he had acquired in his intercour with men, and whibsp;had won him from tho who flesh he sometimes bit too sharply the niame of "the old dog." If the mayor of Saumur had carried his ambition higher still, if fortunate circumstances, drawing him towards the higher social spheres, had nt him into gress where the affairs of nations were discusd, and had he there employed the genius with whibsp;his personal is had endowed him, he would undoubtedly have proved nobly uful to his native land. Yet it is perhaps equally certain that outside of Saumur the goodman would have bsp;a very sorry figure. Possibly there are minds like certain animals whibsp;bsp;to breed when transplanted from the climates in which they are born.

"Will you permit me to retire? I am obliged to uake a long and painful correspondence."

"Certainly, nephew."

As soon as the goodman was certain that Charles could hear nothing and was probably deep in his letter-writing, he said, with a dissimulating glanbsp;at his wife,-

"Madame Gra, what we have to talk about will be Latin to you; it is half-past ven; you bsp;go and attend to your houhold ats. Good-night, my daughter."

He kisd Eugenie, and the two women departed. A se now took plabsp;in whibsp;Pere Gra brought to bear, more than at any other moment of his life, the shrewd dexterity he had acquired in his intercour with men, and whibsp;had won him from tho who flesh he sometimes bit too sharply the niame of "the old dog." If the mayor of Saumur had carried his ambition higher still, if fortunate circumstances, drawing him towards the higher social spheres, had nt him into gress where the affairs of nations were discusd, and had he there employed the genius with whibsp;his personal is had endowed him, he would undoubtedly have proved nobly uful to his native land. Yet it is perhaps equally certain that outside of Saumur the goodman would have bsp;a very sorry figure. Possibly there are minds like certain animals whibsp;bsp;to breed when transplanted from the climates in which they are born.