"What will bee of us?" said Madame Gra to her daughter, letting her knitting fall upon her knees.
The poor mother had gone through subsp;ay for the past two months that the woollen sleeves whibsp;she needed for the ing winter were not yet finished. This domestibsp;fabsp;insignifit as it ems, bore sad results. For want of tho sleeves, a chill ized her in the midst of a sweat caud by a terrible explosion of anger on the part of her husband.
"I have been thinking, my poor child, that if you had fided your cret to me we should have had time to write to Monsieur des Grassins in Paris. He might have nt us gold piebsp;like yours; though Gra knows them all, perhaps-"
"Where could we have got the money?"
"I would have pledged my own property. Besides, Monsieur des Grassins would have-"
"It is too late," said Eugenie in a broken, hollow voibsp;"To-morrow m we must go and wish him a happy New Year in his chamber."
"But, my daughter, why should I not sult the Cruchots?"
"What will bee of us?" said Madame Gra to her daughter, letting her knitting fall upon her knees.
The poor mother had gone through subsp;ay for the past two months that the woollen sleeves whibsp;she needed for the ing winter were not yet finished. This domestibsp;fabsp;insignifit as it ems, bore sad results. For want of tho sleeves, a chill ized her in the midst of a sweat caud by a terrible explosion of anger on the part of her husband.
"I have been thinking, my poor child, that if you had fided your cret to me we should have had time to write to Monsieur des Grassins in Paris. He might have nt us gold piebsp;like yours; though Gra knows them all, perhaps-"
"Where could we have got the money?"
"I would have pledged my own property. Besides, Monsieur des Grassins would have-"
"It is too late," said Eugenie in a broken, hollow voibsp;"To-morrow m we must go and wish him a happy New Year in his chamber."
"But, my daughter, why should I not sult the Cruchots?"
"No, no; it would be delivering me up to them, and putting ourlves in their power. Besides, I have my cour. I have done right, I repent of nothing. God will protebsp;me. His will be done! Ah! mother, if you had read his letter, you, too, would have thought only of him."