If the pure and noble fabsp;of Eugenie went with him on his first voyage, like that image of the Virgin whibsp;Spanish mariners fastened to their masts, if he attributed his first success to the magibsp;influenbsp;of the prayers and intercessions of his gentle love, later on women of other kinds,-blacks, mulattoes, whites, and Indian dang-girls,-ies and adventures in many lands, pletely effabsp;all recolle of his cousin, of Saumur, of the hou, the benbsp;the kiss snatched in the dark passage. He remembered only the little garden shut in with crumbling walls, for it was there he learned the fate that had overtaken him; but he rejected all e with his family. His unbsp;was an old dog who had filched his jewels; Eugenie had no plabsp;in his heart nor in his thoughts, though she did have a plabsp;in his ats as a creditor for the sum of six thousand francs.

Subsp;dubsp;and subsp;ideas explain Charles Gra''s silenbsp;In the Indies, at St. Thomas, on the coast of Afribsp;at Lisbon, and in the United States the adventurer had taken the pudonym of Shepherd, that he might not promi his own name. Charles Shepherd could safely be iigable, bold, grasping, and greedy of gain, like a man who resolves to snatbsp;his fortune quibus cumque viis, and makes haste to have done with villany, that he may spend the rest of his life as an ho man.

If the pure and noble fabsp;of Eugenie went with him on his first voyage, like that image of the Virgin whibsp;Spanish mariners fastened to their masts, if he attributed his first success to the magibsp;influenbsp;of the prayers and intercessions of his gentle love, later on women of other kinds,-blacks, mulattoes, whites, and Indian dang-girls,-ies and adventures in many lands, pletely effabsp;all recolle of his cousin, of Saumur, of the hou, the benbsp;the kiss snatched in the dark passage. He remembered only the little garden shut in with crumbling walls, for it was there he learned the fate that had overtaken him; but he rejected all e with his family. His unbsp;was an old dog who had filched his jewels; Eugenie had no plabsp;in his heart nor in his thoughts, though she did have a plabsp;in his ats as a creditor for the sum of six thousand francs.

Subsp;dubsp;and subsp;ideas explain Charles Gra''s silenbsp;In the Indies, at St. Thomas, on the coast of Afribsp;at Lisbon, and in the United States the adventurer had taken the pudonym of Shepherd, that he might not promi his own name. Charles Shepherd could safely be iigable, bold, grasping, and greedy of gain, like a man who resolves to snatbsp;his fortune quibus cumque viis, and makes haste to have done with villany, that he may spend the rest of his life as an ho man.