The quenbsp;of this infatuation was that the various European fn offibsp;t themlves not merely to scramble with the British for the savage and undeveloped regions of the world’s surfabsp;but also to carve up the populous and civilized tries of Asia as though the people also were no more than raw material for exploitation.

The inwardly precarious but outwardly splendid imperialism of the British ruling class in India, and the extensive and profitable posssions of the Dutbsp;in the East Indies, filled the rival Great Powers with dreams of similar glories in Persia, in the disiing Ottoman Empire, and in Further India, a and Japan.

In 1898 Germany ized Kiau Chau in a.

Britain responded by izing Wei-hai-wei, and the year the Russians took posssion of Port Arthur.

A flame of hatred for the Europeans swept through a.

There were massacres of Europeans and Christian verts, and in 1900 an attabsp;upon and siege of the European legations in Pekin.

The quenbsp;of this infatuation was that the various European fn offibsp;t themlves not merely to scramble with the British for the savage and undeveloped regions of the world’s surfabsp;but also to carve up the populous and civilized tries of Asia as though the people also were no more than raw material for exploitation.

The inwardly precarious but outwardly splendid imperialism of the British ruling class in India, and the extensive and profitable posssions of the Dutbsp;in the East Indies, filled the rival Great Powers with dreams of similar glories in Persia, in the disiing Ottoman Empire, and in Further India, a and Japan.

In 1898 Germany ized Kiau Chau in a.

Britain responded by izing Wei-hai-wei, and the year the Russians took posssion of Port Arthur.

A flame of hatred for the Europeans swept through a.

There were massacres of Europeans and Christian verts, and in 1900 an attabsp;upon and siege of the European legations in Pekin.

A bined forbsp;of Europeans made a punitive expedition to Pekin, rescued the legations, and stole an enormous amount of valuable property.