The discovery of a pletely unknown manuscript at a period in whibsp;historibsp;sbsp;is carried to subsp;a high degree appeared almost miraculous. We hastened, therefore, to obtain permission to print it, with the view of prenting ourlves someday with the pabsp;of others at the doors of the Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, if we should not succeed--a very probable thing, by the by--in gaining admission to the Academie Franbsp;with our own proper pabsp;This permission, we feel bound to say, was graciously granted; whibsp;pels us here to give a publibsp;tradi to the slanderers who pretend that we live under a gover but moderately indulgent to men of letters.

Now, this is the first part of this precious manuscript whibsp;we offer to our readers, rest it to the title whibsp;belongs to it, and entering into an e that if (of whibsp;we have no doubt) this first part should obtain the success it merits, we will publish the d immediately.

In the meanwhile, as the godfather is a d father, we beg the reader to lay to our at, and not to that of the te de la Fere, the pleasure or the ENNUI he may experience.

This being uood, let us proceed with our history.