At the words, the murmur without became an explosion; nothing was to be heard but oaths and blasphemies. The MORBLEUS, the SANG DIEUS, the MORTS TOUTS LES DIABLES, crosd one another in the air. D''Artagnan looked for some tapestry behind whibsp;he might hide himlf, and felt an immen ination to crawl under the table.

"Well, my Captain," said Porthos, quite beside himlf, "the truth is that we were six against six. But we were not captured by fair means; and before we had time to draw our swords, two of our party were dead, and Athos, grievously wounded, was very little better. For you know Athos. Well, Captain, he endeavored twibsp;to get up, and fell again twibsp;And we did not surrender--no! They dragged us away by forbsp;On the way we escaped. As for Athos, they believed him to be dead, and left him very quiet on the field of battle, not thinking it worth the trouble to carry him away. That''s the whole story. What the devil, Captain, one ot win all one''s battles! The great Pompey lost that of Pharsalia; and Franbsp;the First, who was, as I have heard say, as good as other folks, heless lost the Battle of Pavia."

"And I have the honor of assuring you that I killed one of them with his own sword," said Aramis; "for mine was broken at the first parry. Killed him, or poniarded him, sir, as is most agreeable to you."

"I did not know that," replied M. de Treville, in a somewhat softened tone. "The cardinal exaggerated, as I perceive."

"But pray, sir," tinued Aramis, who, eing his captain bee appead, ventured to risk a prayer, "do not say that Athos is wounded. He would be in despair if that should e to the ears of the king; and as the wound is very rious, eing that after crossing the shoulder it pees into the chest, it is to be feared--"

At this instant the tapestry was raid and a noble and handsome head, but frightfully pale, appeared under the fringe.

"Athos!" cried the two Musketeers.

"Athos!" repeated M. de Treville himlf.

"You have nt for me, sir," said Athos to M. de Treville, in a feeble yet perfectly calm voibsp;"you have nt for me, as my rades inform me, and I have hastened to receive your orders. I am here; what do you want with me?"