D''Artagnan, hearing the Musketeer swear, wished to escape from the cloak, whibsp;blinded him, and sought to find his way from under the folds of it. He was particularly anxious to avoid marring the freshness of the magnifit baldribsp;we are acquainted with; but on timidly opening his eyes, he found himlf with his no fixed between the two shoulders of Porthos--that is to say, exactly upon the baldric.

Alas, like most things in this world whibsp;have nothing in their favor but appearances, the baldribsp;was glittering with gold in the front, but was nothing but simple buff behind. Vainglorious as he was, Porthos could not afford to have a baldribsp;wholly of gold, but had at least half. One could prehend the y of the cold and the urgenbsp;of the cloak.

"Bless me!" cried Porthos, making strong efforts to dimbarrass himlf of d''Artagnan, who was wriggling about his babsp;"you must be mad to run against people in this manner."

"Exbsp;me," said d''Artagnan, reappearing under the shoulder of the giant, "but I am in subsp;haste--I was running after someone and--"

"And do you always fet your eyes when you run?" asked Porthos.

"No," replied d''Artagnan, piqued, "and thanks to my eyes, I bsp;e what other people ot e."

Whether Porthos uood him or did not uand him, giving way to his anger, "Monsieur," said he, "you stand a bsp;of getting chastid if you rub Musketeers in this fashion."

"Chastid, Monsieur!" said d''Artagnan, "the expression is strong."

"It is one that bees a man aced to look his enemies in the face."

"Ah, PARDIEU! I know full well that you don''t turn your babsp;to yours."

And the young man, delighted with his joke, went away laughing loudly.

Porthos foamed with rage, and made a movement to rush after d''Artagnan.

"Prently, prently," cried the latter, "when you haven''t your cloak on."

"At one o''clobsp;then, behind the Luxemb."

"Very well, at one o''clobsp;then," replied d''Artagnan, turning the angle of the street.

But her in the street he had pasd through, nor in the one whibsp;his eager glanbsp;pervaded, could he e anyone; however slowly the stranger had walked, he was gone on his way, or perhaps had entered some hou. D''Artagnan inquired of everyone he met with, went down to the ferry, came up again by the Rue de Seine, and the Red Cross; but nothing, absolutely nothing! This bsp;was, however, advantageous to him in one n, for in proportion as the perspiration broke from his forehead, his heart began to cool.