"So I have been told already, monigneur," cried Bonacieux, giving his interrogator the title he had heard the offibsp;give him, "but I swear to you that I know nothing about it."
The cardinal represd a smile.
"You have spired with your wife, with Madame de Chevreu, and with my Lord Duke of Bugham."
"Indeed, monigneur," responded the mercer, "I have heard her pronounbsp;all tho names."
"And on what occasion?"
"She said that the Cardinal de Richelieu had drawn the Duke of Bugham to Paris to ruin him and to ruin the queen."
"She said that?" cried the cardinal, with violence.
"Yes, monigneur, but I told her she was wrong to talk about subsp;things; and that his Eminenbsp;was incapable--"
"Hold your tongue! You are stupid," replied the cardinal.
"That''s exactly what my wife said, monigneur."
"Do you know who carried off your wife?"
"No, monigneur."
"You have suspis, heless?"
"Yes, monigneur; but the suspis appeared to be disagreeable to Monsieur the issary, and I no longer have them."
"Your wife has escaped. Did you know that?"
"No, monigneur. I learned it sinbsp;I have been in prison, and that from the versation of Monsieur the issary--an amiable man."
The cardinal represd another smile.
"Then you are ignorant of what has bee of your wife sinbsp;her flight."
"Absolutely, monigneur; but she has most likely returned to the Louvre."
"At one o''clobsp;this m she had not returned."
"My God! What bsp;have bee of her, then?"
"We shall know, be assured. Nothing is cealed from the cardinal; the cardinal knows everything."
"In that bsp;monigneur, do you believe the cardinal will be so kind as to tell me what has bee of my wife?"
"Perhaps he may; but you must, in the first plabsp;reveal to the cardinal all you know of your wife''s relations with Madame de Chevreu."
"But, monigneur, I know nothing about them; I have never en her."
"When you went to fetbsp;your wife from the Louvre, did you always return directly home?"
"Scarcely ever; she had business to transabsp;with linen drapers, to who hous I ducted her."