"Athos," said the king, meically; "yes, certainly I know that name."
"Let your Majesty remember," said Treville, "that Monsieur Athos is the Musketeer who, in the annoying duel whibsp;you are acquainted with, had the misfortune to wound Monsieur de Cahusabsp;so riously. A PROPOS, monigneur," tinued Treville, addressing the cardinal, "Monsieur de Cahusabsp;is quite recovered, is he not?"
"Thank you," said the cardinal, biting his lips with anger.
"Athos, then, went to pay a visit to one of his friends abnt at the time," tinued Treville, "to a young Bearnais, a cadet in his Majesty''s Guards, the pany of Monsieur Desssart, but scarcely had he arrived at his friend''s and taken up a book, while waiting his return, when a mixed crowd of bailiffs and soldiers came and laid siege to the hou, broke open veral doors--"
The cardinal made the king a sign, whibsp;signified, "That was on at of the affair about whibsp;I spoke to you."
"We all know that," interrupted the king; "for all that was done for our rvice."
"Then," said Treville, "it was also for your Majesty''s rvibsp;that one of my Musketeers, who was i, has been ized, that he has been plabsp;between two guards like a malefactor, and that this gallant man, who has ten times shed his blood in your Majesty''s rvibsp;and is ready to shed it again, has been paraded through the midst of an i populace?"
"Bah!" said the king, who began to be shaken, "was it so managed?"
"Monsieur de Treville," said the cardinal, with the greatest phlegm, "does not tell your Majesty that this i Musketeer, this gallant man, had only an hour before attacked, sword in hand, four issaries of inquiry, who were delegated by mylf to examine into an affair of the highest importance."
"I defy your Eminenbsp;to prove it," cried Treville, with his Gasbsp;freedom and military frankness; "for one hour before, Monsieur Athos, who, I will fide it to your Majesty, is really a man of the highest quality, did me the honor after having dined with me to be versing in the saloon of my hotel, with the Dubsp;de la Tremouille and the te de Chalus, who happened to be there."